If you are looking into marketing strategies, then you may have heard the term SEO being tossed around. So, what is SEO? You may be surprised to know that the answer is not really all that cut and dry. However, going into this learning session with an open mind and a willingness to test out different concepts will be one of your most essential assets. This guide is designed to help you better understand SEO so that you can implement it into your marketing strategy.
The Basics
When it comes to SEO, there are some basics that you should be aware of. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a key point of many marketing plans because search engine optimization entails effective website design, understanding your target audience, and improving brand awareness among other things. Keep in mind that color improves brand recognition by up to 80% on its own. The concept is that once a website or web page is properly optimized, then it will have a better chance of ranking higher in the search engines. This is important because you will want your website or web page to show up in the search results.
If you have done a little bit of research on SEO, you probably know just how important quality content is. But, with anything regarding your website, you should always put quality before quantity. This content can be reflected in your service pages, description pages, and your blog pages. Another key aspect of SEO is usability. How well can users navigate your pages and interact with elements on your page? If you notice your loading time is slow or some pages do not load at all, then you have a problem and will need to fix them as soon as possible or it could affect your search engine rankings.
Breaking Down Search Engines
There are several different search engines that a user could use if they want to search for something. However, the leading search engine is Google. When a user enters a search query into Google, they are then provided with pages of search results that are attempting to answer that query. The pages generate within seconds. It is likely that the user will decide between one of the first few pages to click on. Understanding search engines can be difficult, but a search engine marketing company can help.
So, how does Google generate these pages? When you submit your website or web page for indexing, Google will add it to the crawling queue. Once Google has crawled your page, it will place your page in the index. This means that if a user searches for something pertaining to your content, then it is possible that your page will show up in the results. However, Google uses a special algorithm to determine which pages get shown for which queries. This algorithm is everchanging, but practicing good SEO habits is one of the best ways to appeal to it and increase your chances of ranking higher.
How Does Social Media Play a Role?
Social media business pages are web pages. This means that they are also indexed in search engines, such as Google, and can rank. So, it is important to ensure that these pages are optimized and are appealing to your intended audience. For starters, you will want to make sure that you are properly utilizing a social media business page. This will give you more insights and business tools with your audience than a regular page. A professional social media marketing company can help you to further streamline your marketing plan.
Should I Hire a Marketing Company?
The short answer to this question is, "Yes". While there are some aspects of SEO that can be learned and implemented on your own, you run the risk of neglecting proper implementation or not completely knowing the ins and outs of SEO. A professional marketing company can help you discover what you are missing when it comes to your marketing strategy.